"The books chosen here refer to the helplessness of art in the face of war, and to the fragility of human existence."

Shiraz Grinbaum

First Aid Books


"The 'cut-up' is a tool that can loosen control and free the writer and the reader. In the case of my book, free the images."

Lee Nevo

How Do You Short Circuit Control


"Roee Rosen draws the contours of the pain, and from them emerges the possibility of living alongside it."

Joy Bernard

Lucy Is Sick


"I would love to go through an entire sketchbook by myself without ripping out any of the pages."

Avihai Mizrahi

By The Book: Design To Tell


"These books invite us to experience light as a substance that carries knowledge about the world, defines its shape, and affects perception."

Vardit Gross

Books of Darkness and Light


“I have always dreamed of creating a book with my content that is a direct collaboration with the print machine operator.”

Kobi Benezri

By The Book: Design To Tell


"I was very aware that as a German artist, I had a special responsibility in this project."

Volker Gerling

Portraits In Motion


״The creatures emerging from the black space do not demand that we worship them nor do they position themselves as deities.״

Zohar Elmakias

To Be Born as New Creatures Upon the Earth


"The stains and texual gestures make a space to trace the Self that creates and remembers, through which parental love continues to flow."

Shiraz Grinbaum

Gali Popper's Books


"The role of the designer is to 'hold' the project in other ways besides just designing and editing."

Avigail Reiner

By The Book: Design To Tell
